About Statesville Avenue Presbyterian Church, USA

Statesville Avenue Presbyterian Church was established on January 27, 1952, with 17 charter members. The charter members included: Mr. Romeo Alexander, Mrs. Frances Alexander, Mr. Oscar L. Flowe, Mrs. Mary Flowe, Mr. John Gaston, Mrs. Edna Gaston, Mrs. Lona P. Jenkins, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Mrs. Eva Robinson, Mr. Luther Ross, Mr. Wilburn M. Sanders, Sr., Mrs. Mildred Sanders, Mrs. Anna Taylor, Mr. Randolph Worsley, Mr. Raymond Worsley, Mr. Robert Yongue, and Mrs. Rosemond Yongue, Dr. George Lowe (away in the service was voted to be a charter member) under the leadership Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Jenkins. The first building was located at 2806 Statesville Ave. Charlotte, NC. Upon retirement in 1974, Dr. Jenkins was named pastor emeritus.
In April 1975, a 2nd pastor was called to serve, Rev. Wilburn M. Sanders, Sr. During the administration of Rev. Wilburn M. Sanders, the Stewardship Committee, Loaves and Fishes program, the Children's Choir, the Spiritual Choir, the Hand Bell Choir, missions work with 5 other Presbyterian Churches to work with residents of Seversville Neighborhood, community involvement with Save the Seeds, Crop Walk for hunger, Mecklenburg Ministries/Bridge Builders, Crisis Assistance Ministry, Boy and Girl Scout Troops, and space for an adult tutorial program, and the Publicity Committee and programs were all organized. The Publicity Committee published its first newsletter in 1986. The 20/20 Club was formed and consisted of a group of visionary members interested in building a new church; all mortgages were paid off, and 16 acres of land were purchased for future relocation of the church; a three-year building plan to reach the goal for relocation was established as well. Rev. Sanders, along with the entire congregation, held our first worship service in our present edifice located at 3435 Nevin Road. This was done with no money from the presbytery or any other agency of the church. The new building was officially dedicated on Sunday, April 20, 1995. All praise and thanks to God! During his tenure as pastor, the church became a member of the Presbytery of Charlotte, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Upon his retirement, he was named Pastor Emeritus.
In August 1998, our church called their 3rd pastor, Rev. Michael A. Robinson. Under his leadership, the church was actively involved in RAIN (Regional Aids Interfaith Network) Inc., a program designed to assist with empowering persons living with HIV and those at risk to be healthy and stigma-free, CHIP (Church Intervention Project), a tutorial program established in partnership with Statesville Road Elementary School. A contemporary worship service was conducted on the third and fourth Sundays with music provided by the gospel choir and children's choir. The Rev. Dr. Michael A. Robinson served as pastor until 2010.
Rev. Amantha L. Barbee was installed as the fourth pastor on July 26, 2013. Under her leadership, our worship service was introduced to Scripture Alive where many members of different ages would bring the scripture to life with varying presentations of the word. A contemporary ensemble and children's ensemble were re-introduced. Our church has established a library, opened the Mission Building (a freestanding food pantry), established a liturgy team with major youth involvement, brought amazing musical talent to the church, The Publicity Committed created and branded the church with a new logo, new signage for the church, church website, and social media pages. Our church has hosted public forums, and social justice community nights. Rev. Amantha L. Barbee served until January 2019. As we continue to trust in God for the leadership of our church, we welcome guest pastors and worship with guidance and support from Charlotte Presbytery.