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Our Events


At Statesville Avenue Presbyterian Church, USA, we believe a healthy community is an active community. Take a look at our many opportunities to volunteer, to participate in social events and to take part in learning and growing together.


Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes uses a Client Choice model which allows clients to select groceries their family is most likely to eat.  Clients are able to choose a specified number of items in the areas of grains, proteins, vegetables, fruit, and dairy based on the size of the family. The number of choices is determined by a Registered Dietitian to ensure that enough food is available to create three meals a day for a week. It is important to the dignity of our clients to feel they have some control and requires them to invest some time in the process.  It also allows for greater interaction between clients and volunteers.
Loaves & Fishes administrative offices and warehouse are located in Fordham Park at 648 Griffith Road, Suite B Charlotte, NC 28217.


Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry
Our mission - We are a youth group guided by God and by love, who serves God by studying his word, praying daily, and being of service to others. We are all God’s children growing in grace, love, and faith.

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Presbyterian Women

Everything we do as an organization and as a community is guided by our PW Purpose, and that includes ministry, resources and relationships.

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves

  • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,

  • to support the mission of the church worldwide,

  • to work for justice and peace, and

  • to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.


Our Breakfast meetings are quarterly and all are welcome! For more information please contact the church office, 704-596-4550.


Presbyterian Men

The purposes and objectives are clearly stated in its by-laws; Presbyterian Men provides, in each area of life, tools for Christian discipleship, avenues for vital fellowship, and opportunities for transforming mission, all under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. All men who are confirmed members of the Presbyterian Church (USA) are eligible to be members of Presbyterian Men. Members shall commit themselves to the purposes and objectives of Presbyterian Men.

The Presbyterian Men's Council at Statesville Avenue meet for breakfast or lunch meetings monthly to discuss services to provide for our church and the surrounding community.  We operate looking to uplift and encourage fellowship of young and adult men in our church.  All are welcome!  For more questions about our council please contact the church office at 704-596-4550.


Annual Fall Community Health Fair

Our Annual Health Fair is a part of our church's commitment to community outreach.  The Health Fair is held in the fall of the year and offers free services to the surrounding community.  The purpose of the health fair is to promote wellness for all families.

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